Accomplish More — 6 Tips for Having More Energy
We work, we plan, we organize, we go, fueling ourselves on coffee and pure determination. Until that is, we fall onto the sofa in a stupor. More of us are struggling with energy issues, experts say. Going to acting classes and auditions is exhausting as well. If you go to a store, you’ll see a plethora of vitamins, herbs, and other supplements promoted as energy boosters. Some are even added to soft drinks and other foods. But there’s little or no scientific evidence that energy boosters like ginseng, guarana, and chromium picolinate actually work. Thankfully, there are things you can do to enhance your own natural energy levels
Get Enough Sleep
We cannot stress this enough. Sleep = rejuvenation. Sleep is everything. And what they say about not using your smartphone or tablet right before sleep time, is so true. The author of these lines has been experimenting for a month now, and boy has my sleeping pattern changed! I, too, have been suffering from lack of sleep, I’ve been waking up tired. But ever since I quit scrolling my iphone right before bedtime, things have changed.
One of the misconceptions I’ve heard most often is: I can’t fall asleep unless I scroll and scroll and scroll until I doze off. That’s fake news, peeps. Your brain stays unnecessarily active for a prolonged period just because of your FOMO or Fear of Missing Out. Chill, darling. Love yourself and go to sleep. The world will be there tomorrow.
Don’t Skip Breakfast
If you have just a bagel and coffee, you get a quick stimulant from the caffeine and quick energy from the carbs — a recipe for a crash.
Instead, go for a mix of unrefined carbs, such as whole grain bread, oatmeal plus lean protein and healthy fat (which take longer to digest, giving you more staying power). Try a whole grain toast with avocado slices and poached egg, add some pepper, salt, and lemon juice and you’re good to go for at least couple of hours!
If you work in an office or are sitting in your car for most of your day, the chances are you’re spending a minimum of 8 hours sitting down — that’s 40 hours a week. In the middle of the afternoon, stand and do arm circles. If you’re in a cubicle, even ankle circles will do something for circulation.
Avoid rich foods
You know the Cheeseburger Effect — the haze that sets in after a fatty lunch. When blood samples are analyzed after people eat heavy meals, they almost look creamy, and the fat in this blood may displace oxygen. Ugh. That’s just gross.
Sometimes all you need is your mood lifted. Play a few songs with a good beat, and it will leave you feeling more energized. Here’s a fun list to boost your energies and create many happies.
No, we are not kidding. Try smiling now. See, how your mood lifted instantly? Smile lowers your blood pressure, relieves stress as well as relieves pain. Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness.
The serotonin release brought on by your smile serves as an anti-depressant and mood lifter. Many of today’s pharmaceutical anti-depressants also influence the levels of serotonin in your brain, but with a smile, you don’t have to worry about negative side effects — and you don’t need a prescription from your doctor!
And here’s a little bonus to lift your spirits waaaay up — get motivated by your fave peeps in the entertainment industry!
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