Should you accept a super embarrassing role?

2 min readJan 7, 2020

There are limits to what we're ready to do as actors. And that's good. It's completely fine to reject a role because you don't want to do it. You might have some political or religious reservations about portraying a certain character. Or the script goes against some other deeply-held values of yours.

But what about embarrassing roles? Should you say “no” to a role just because you don't want to embarrass yourself? Well, that's up to you. But at allcasting we sincerely believe that any role is an opportunity and we strongly advise to dive head-first into ANY role you can get your hands on.

First of all, with over 80% of US actors out of a job at any one time, roles and jobs aren't easy to come by. Second, an embarrassing role is still experience. Third, it'll be a funny memory and won't hamper your road to stardom in any way.

Here's an example with Jason Statham, one of the biggest action movie superstars of the last decades. What did he do before his big break? See for yourself:




Written by allcasting

Online casting network that connects casting professionals with all kinds of talent.

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